Category: hell is other people

You’re Not My Father, Queensryche


“Silent Lucidity” would be such a great song if “Comfortably Numb” didn’t already exist and I didn’t understand English.

Tales from Above the Law (First in A Series)

Gordon Thunderfoot Is Not Allowed

“Now I’m that guy with the dog that attacks people,” I would have said, weeping bitterly, from jail.

Your Hip, Hapless Child


It’s missionaries, I think. I always talk to missionaries because they can at least put me down as a “maybe” and get more mission-kibble.

Let Despair Be the First Celebrity Death of 2017

Isidorus of Seville

Be like Isidorus of Seville and cut it out.

Thanks, Don Bailey

Ninth-grade Latin comes in handy yet again.

Hell Is Second Amendment People

There is no exit from Donald Trump’s boneheadery.

“Go Set A Watchman” Is A Blood Diamond in the Rough

Harper Lee

Sometimes the next thing that happens just isn’t that interesting to everyone else, Scout.

Questioning Velveteen


(Alf murdered cats and wasn’t good with electronics.)

Litterbugs Just Put It Over There

“(This trash) will be a balanced meal for a special kind of goat that eats only garbage and furniture.”