Category: social media

“I Believe in America.”

What have I ever done to make you treat me so disrespectfully?

How I Lived To Be 46


46 is the least-popular 2-digit multiple of 23, but I’m making it look good.

Today in This: English Language Unveils More Demonstrative Adjectives for Social Media

demonstrative adjectives


How I Lived To Be 45

Advances in medical technology and attention to Quality of Life considerations like exercise, diet, and stress reduction have increased the average lifespan, but it is still a miracle of science — or maybe an offense to nature — to live to the age of 45.

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Deep Facebook: For When It’s Complicated (first in a series)

In this article I use the name of a popular social media outlet as a stand-in for all of them, and thus don’t bother with a capital F. If it’s true that young people are no longer Flocking to facebook, the least we can do is top off the company’s IPO with a common noun.

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Socialized Medicine: Friendbloat No Longer Curable with Facebook Decimation

When Langston Hughes wrote “I loved my friend/He went away from me/There’s nothing more to say/The poem ends/Soft as it began/I loved my friend,” he had it easy.

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Baby steps, Skynet

Skynet is definitely inching toward self-awareness when it starts in with the wishful-thinking targeted advertising.