Category: performance

Larry Vaughn 2016


His kids were on that beach, too, in 2016

What’s A Few Sharks Between Bombs?


Great shipwrecks of the 20th century:
1. The U.S.S. Indianapolis
2. The Edmund Fitzgerald
3. Watership Down/The Ark of the Covenant

Blaming the Estuary Victim: Bad Massachusetts Accents As Justification for Homicide


“Pond’s for old ladies.”

Unfriendly Waters: Why June 29 Is Christmas to “Jaws” Fans


Did Alex Kintner really die on June 29? Is his watch really over?

Super-Absorbent: A Song


How to make relationship decisions.

Big in Bremen at Club Fais Do Do

Lately I’ve been playing with a new band, Big in Bremen, whose work I can only describe as Wi-Fi-enabled Gypsy Music. I play trumpet and sing a couple songs (I enjoy singing “Streets of Laredo”). We perform songs in Russian and French, Mamas & Papas covers, and now and then a lesser-used song I wrote …

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